何为美? 每个人看的角度不一样。却认为,判断世界万物的美看的是内在,而不是表面。一个人,即便他的外表美若天仙、英俊潇洒,如花似玉,而却心肠歹毒,妒嫉心重,四处搬弄是非或者是不学无术,那么外表的美只能是虚无缥缈的美,根本没有实在的意义。诚然,花花世界,无奇不有,貌美心善的人有之,貌美心恶的人亦有之。只有内外兼备的美,才是真正的完美
曾经我认识一位朋友,她长得必不起眼,打扮纯朴。可能是性格的关系, 她谈吐总是很温和. 对人总是很亲切,或许不是很熟悉,我对她只是一般的印象而已,但某一个母亲节里她上台与我们分享她作为妈妈与女儿的心得, 忘了里头的内容,但我被她的真情流露有所感动,剎那间我觉得她变得好美甚至异常美丽。其根本的原因,就是心灵美.
Considering the ideas of esthetic conception, how we judge beauty? Everyone has their view on the aesthetic beauty, some say beautiful is when the looks are pleasing to the eye, while some also say having a good-heart is beautiful. These are justified.
What is beauty? Every has their individual perspective. A person, even if he or she looks like an angel or pretty as a flower, but he or she has a vicious heart filled w bad intentions, then their appearance of beauty is just an illusion, and there is no real meaning. Indeed, in this teeming world, there are beautiful people with golden heart. Certainly, It would be perfect if we have both inner and outer beauty.
Once I know a friend, she has an ordinary apperance and always dresses simply. Perhaps is her character which I admired dearly, she is always gentle and very kind to everyone. I am not really close to her so this is just the general impression of her only. During one Mother's Day celebration where she came up to the stage, she was sharing with us about her experiences as a mother and daughter, I forgot the contents but I was really touched by her genuine feelings towards her family, suddenly that moment I felt she is beautiful, exceptionally beautiful.
Beauty is not only in appearance but also in virtue. Don’t you agree with it? In reality we always judge a book first or judge somebody by appearance, and this has always been a disadvantage for those with ordinary apperances. However, just like how a distant journey tests the strength of a horse and a long task proves the worth of a man. We should not only focus on the inner beauty of the soul , but also appreciate those people with extraordinary inner beauty too. In the real world, it is very rare to find people with both inner n outer beauty. Frankly, including myself, it was difficult to achieve perfection.
Everyone looks different aesthetically, but in my opinion, true beauty is someone who is honest but not hypocritical and pretentious, someone who lives life to the fullest with happiness, content and good spirit. This is what I called beautiful.

Happiness is more important than a smile, because a smile comes from the lips but happiness comes from deep down someones heart. So be happy forever.