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My New 'Home'

这个五月可是我另一不同的的月,我的20年的结婚周年,几位好友的生日,难忘的母亲节。家佣离别,朋友不管是在私下或者在面书上联络我出于他们的关怀,让我感到人间有温情。而今天又来个惊喜,我好友,Henny 静悄悄为我设计一个我人生第一个Blog。刚去拜访我的‘家’,新颖,干净利落,一目了然, 惊喜连连。。必不是因为我的作品的关系而是她的设计太周全,她不愧是个唯美者,让我部落格的家有个全然非凡的感觉。

坦白说,我可是名副其实的电脑白痴, 还不懂如何上载照片与分享食谱。我了解一上了Blog’船‘,可真的一发不能收拾。之前已有好多位朋友问我为何不弄个Blog来玩玩,实际上我也期望拥有自己的天地与更多朋友分享,但总觉得精力有限无法分身,所以把这事耽搁了。现在’无心插柳柳成荫‘, Henny 热心的为我,我除了感动,还是感动,希望我不辜负她的尽心,有心朝前再迈一步。

刚发觉到她最早上载的照片,14/5/2014, 原来她秘密动工了5天,那一天也是我的结婚周年日!!这可是我人生中最佳礼物之一。万分感激这位掏心掏肺交心的朋友。Henny, I love you, muack muack..



This May is a special month for me, my 20-year wedding anniversary, several good friends' birthdays, Mother's Day was unforgettable. Maid has departed for better life, a lot of friends has contacted me personally or wrote on my profile to show their concern, I can feel the warmth. OMG! Today another surprise to me, my best friend, Henny designed secretly for me my first Blog. Just visited my ' home', it is novel, neat and clear, nothing can express my feelings toward this pleasant surprise. The blog is awesome not because of my photos but she was too thoughtful. She is indeed a perfectionist, so the blog is totally extraordinary.

Frankly, I'm a real computer layman, I do not know how to upload photos and share recipes on a blog at the moment. I know once I step on the Blog ' boat ', it might be inextricable. Before that many friends did ask me why I do not have a Blog. In fact, I also hope to have my own blog to share with more friends, but always felt like I have limited energy which I could not spare so much on it, so this thing has been delaying till today. And now, can I say that this is actually ' unintentional positive outcomes ', Henny enthusiasm for me, In addition to being touched, I have no other words to describe my feelings. I hope I do not disappoint her dedication, determined to take a step forward.

Just find her earliest uploaded photos dated on 14/5/2014, she has been starting since five days ago secretly, that date is also the day of my wedding anniversary, haha.. this is one of the best gifts in my life. The intimate friend that I am grateful for, Henny, I love you, hug and kiss.

Dear friends , give me a chance howlian (showoff) about (a bit shy), please click on the following websites give me support and strength , and also welcome to give me some valuable advice, so I can handle both my family and hobby, to make our life more beautiful.

Thanksgiving is a feeling deep inside; gratitude is declared in the mouth of all. Once again, thank you my dear friends.





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