以为10月过后会是有张有弛的生活, 反之亦然,我依然忙得透不过气。 .望着电话日历那耽搁的事物, 休息的念头就飞到九霄云外去了。 我还是乖乖的与’忙‘字作伴,别的莫想。哈哈哈。。
虽然如此,与朋友见个面聊天,是我这个礼拜最起劲的事, 这可算是忙中取乐也。
那天又来把Janice Teo的牛油蛋糕食谱(谢谢Janice美女),改头换面。 东改改西就就, 总的来说,一个好的食谱,就算乱加四加,东改四改,仍然‘得心应手,意到便成‘。

When the natural product we’re working with is this good, we don’t need anything fancy to spruce it up just something yummy and simple to highlight the great stuff we’re already working with! I totally loved the colorful fruits that complemented the simplicity of the butter cake underneath. The berries really don’t need a lot of bells and whistles, just a perfectly buttery cake that’s sweet without being cloyingin this case, less is more, I am sure you'll wanting more after you take your first bite!
220克 牛油
75克 黃砂糖
75 克赤糖
5粒 鸡蛋
100克 普通面粉
1茶匙 發粉
¼ 茶匙海盐
30毫升 鲜橙汁
1 茶匙 香草酒/香草精
350克 蓝莓与覆盆子
30克山核桃 (切碎)
5.把面糊倒入烤盤裡,鋪平,盛入烤箱烘約50-60分鐘或至熟 (我用170‘c for 50 mins)

Blueberry Raspberry butter cake
220 g butter
75 g brown sugar
75 g raw sugar
5 eggs
100 g plain flour
150 g cake flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon sea salt
30 ml fresh orange juice
50 ml natural yogurt
1 teaspoon vanilla wine / vanilla essence
350 g blueberries and raspberries
30 g pecans (chopped)
30 g macadamia nuts (chopped)
1 teaspoon orange zest
1. Preheat oven at 170C. Grease 8" round /2 pcs of rectangular shape pan using butter wrapper.
3. Combine softened butter with brown sugar and raw sugar. With electric beater on high speed, cream till light and fluffy, until sugar is dissolved or finer. Crack an egg into the batter. Scoop 1 tbsp shifted flour mixture into batter along with the egg, at low speed, beat till egg is fully incorporated. Repeat step until all eggs are used.
4. Pour in remaining half of shifted flour mixture into batter, Pour in orange juice, natural yogurt and vanilla wine or essence and lastly add blueberry, raspberry, pecans, macadamia nut and orange zest into batter and mix well.
5. Pour batter onto prepared pan. Bake for about 50 min to 60 mins, or until skewer comes out clean when poked in centre. (I use 170'c for 50 min)