2016 is a great start to me, March 2016 is going to end soon, a new chapter to begin, a new recipe crossed off the list. So, what's on my bucket list as I start the month? I may find what I need here today, or I may just want to add a few dozen new ones? That's how useful the list of recipes is. Recently, I have been seeing quite some bakers coming up with really cute bread bun designs. The bread buns are so adorable that I wonder if they will ever be eaten at all. That day, Zoe Liu posted her lovely bear bread bun, these inspired me to make this as I couldn’t wait for it anymore, and yes! I did it. Finally, I did this but not so professional. Not nearly as cute as the images as shown on the internet, but kind of cute if you haven’t seen the original image. Lol. I don’t know the technique for making the original ones I saw, but they are all perfectly shaped. So maybe I am not that talented in this area, sob sob. I am using Carol method to make the bear design; you may refer this link for more detail. http://caroleasylife.blogspot.com/2015/08/blog-post_24.html#more. However, I have not followed her recipe; I changed the recipe to tangzhong method instead. The soft, chocolate bread rolls were really lovely too; I can say that they tasted great and had a beautiful texture. I love bread baking. I take pleasure in the whole procedure, even recipes that take a couple of days. Bread therapy. When I see my family finish my food and request for more, it always puts a smile on my face. That is funny? It’s the baking, not the eating that attracts me the most.

Chocolate Bear bread bun(about 16 pcs )
25 g high gluten flour/bread flour
75 g Low fat fresh milk
75 g water
Bread dough
350g high gluten flour/bread flour
100g tangzhong
7g unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp dry yeast speed ,
30g caster sugar
1/4 tsp sea salt
160cc low fat fresh milk
30g, unsalted butter
Surface decoration: whole egg and chocolate pudding
Bo luo dough
10g butter
20g flour
5g sugar
3-5g fresh low fat milk
Method of making TangZhong:
1. Mix flour in milk and water well without any lumps. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring consistently with a wooden spoon, whisk or spatula to prevent burning and sticking while you cook along the way. 2. The mixture becomes thicker and thicker. Once you notice some “lines” appear in the mixture for every stir, you make with the spoon. It’s done. You get the TangZhong. Remove from heat. 3. Transfer to a clean bowl. Cover with a cling wrap sticking onto the surface of TangZhong to prevent from drying up. Let cool. The TangZhong can be used straight away once it cools down to room temperature. Method of making dough: 1. In a mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all the main dough ingredients, except butter. Add in all the TangZhong, knead until well combined. 2. Then add butter and continue kneading until dough is smooth, and dough passes the window-pane test. 3. Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with cling wrap. Allow it to rise until double in volume. (This takes about 40 to 60 mins) 4. After proofing, gently deflate the dough and shape it round. Rest dough for 15 minutes. 5. Cut 50g of the dough for making beer ears and use the remaining dough to divided into 16 equal portions and make into round shape ( each about 30g), spray some water and allow it to rise until double in volume. (take about 40-50 minutes ) 6. For beer ear (50g dough) - cut into 32 pcs equally, knead to round shape dough, cover with a clean towel and put aside. 7. Make the beer shape ( Please see the picture or refer to http://caroleasylife.blogspot.com/2015/08/blog-post_24.html#more. ) 8. Preheat the oven to 180C.bake for 20 to 22minutes or until golden brown.
Bo Luo dough
All ingredients mix together, if it is too dry, add a little of water or milk to adjust
Refrigerate first before made the decoration

近来跟小教练学乒乓,起先教我握紧球拍,胳膊稍微弯曲,不要伸直, 练习一些基本动作等等。 刚开始的时候,小教练真的受不了这笨徒弟,一边发球,一边纠正我的一些不规范的动作,一边地说“ Mummy, just smash, don't act like a chicken" ,我觉得很累,也很没意思,总觉得太乏味了。更气煞的是那小教练“目无尊长“, 一边念个不停,希望球艺与他不分上下的父亲或姐姐在家可以陪他一起玩。
渐渐地,开始有点头绪了,动作越来不错,越来越熟练,而那小教练还会夸一夸他的笨徒弟”Good job, nice smash, keep it up!!) 竟然觉得有些成就感了,也就觉得有趣了。在那可爱小教练的“正确指导:和我的”不懈努力“(其实是无奈)之下,我终于也能打几球了, 哈哈。
我今天与一位女友闲聊,她从一开始没沾过奶油的女人,现在能把诱人作品派上桌甚至她的蛋糕订单不断, 令我刮目相看,自叹不如。 不单是她,我认识好多高手,她们都是wonderful lady, 英雄不问出身,偏偏她们不介意与人分享她们之前的工作,几乎都是与烘培没连接关系,但她们坚持不懈,每一个作品都让我惊叹连连。。
Proper practice makes perfect 熟能生巧”这个成语, 说明不管做什么事情, 只要勤学苦练,掌握规律, 就能找出许多窍门, 干起来得心应手.
我之前的电脑坏了,很多食谱不翼而飞, 自己乱来食谱又出现在我的名单里。自古成功在尝试,敢于尝试是好事, 松软得不得了的汤种巧克力小熊面包,很快地就扫一空了。我坚信熟能生巧, 会再用这食谱多加练习,希望最完美的呈现给大家。
撇开不完美造型,用其情怀的拍摄希望直接触动 了你敏感的心弦,而你, 张开双臂、给它们热情拥抱。

Bo Luo dough

For beer ear (50g dough) - cut into 32 pcs equally, knead to round shape dough, cover with a clean towel and put aside.

For beer ear (50g dough) - cut into 32 pcs equally, knead to round shape dough, cover with a clean towel and put aside.

Ready for bake
25克 高筋麵粉
75克 脱脂鲜牛奶
75克 清水
350g 高筋麵粉
100g 汤种
7g 無糖可可粉
1茶匙 速發乾酵母,
30g 細砂糖
1/4茶匙 海鹽
160cc 脱脂鲜牛奶
30g, 無鹽牛油
表面裝飾 : 全蛋液少許,巧克力醬少許
菠蘿餅乾麵皮 :
10g 奶油
20g 低粉
5g 糖粉
3-5g 鲜牛奶
将面团放入一个抹了油碗,盖上湿布。发酵约40 -60分钟至两倍大
发酵后,撒一些高筋面粉在桌上,将发好的面团移到桌上,然后把面团的空气拍出, 弄成圆球形,把它们放在室温下休息约15分钟。
开始弄造型 (请看图 / http://caroleasylife.blogspot.com/2015/08/blog-post_24.html#more.)