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OVERNIGHT BREAD (Please click here for more detail)

Basic low-temperature fermentation bread is common; that was my ten years ago "routine" work. I used my free time at night to knead the dough, and made the shapes of the bread and put directly in the refrigerator. I took it out the next day, thawing and proofing for an hour and then started to bake so that my family can enjoy the fresh-baked bread. (For health reasons, to be advised not to eat the bread directly from the oven

Today, the white bread bun is slightly different from the previous, its greatest characteristic is to use less yeast and more water, to let the flour absorb water so as to increase moisture. Proofing in the fridge slows down but does not entirely stop fermentation. At lower temperatures, bread take longer to rise but develop more flavor and taste even better.

The shortest time for fermentation is about 24 hours or so until it becomes double in volume, the maximum time to wait for up to 3 days depends on fridge temperature. The bread buns as shown I took three days for fermentation, however, I have tried it yesterday again, with the bread and I’ve found that between 16 to 24 hours in the fridge is totally perfect as well.

I love to see the fermentation process, especially the proofing part, while the bread sat at room temperature after its chilly proof, just before baking, I saw and laugh, and it developed a monster air bubble on one side, like a giant bulge. Lol

So, to sum up, if you need the extra time, don’t be afraid to stick your bowl of just-kneaded dough in the fridge for any length of time, up to about a day. As long as you let it come back to room temperature before shaping it, you should have no problem with it affecting taste or texture. Just enjoy and happy baking! :)

基本冷藏發酵麵包方法已屡见不鲜的玩意,早在十多年前已经是我的“例行事务”,晚上揉好的面团,作了造型 直接放进冰箱里,隔天拿出来,解冻回温, 然后就可以烘烤,家人也可以享受新鲜出炉的面包了。(为了健康着想,面包出炉待冷却之后才吃哦)

我这次与之前有稍为不同,它最大的特色在於減低了活性速发酵母的用量, 增加了水份,讓麵粉吸收較多的水分,做出來的麵包柔軟度濕潤度更好。 而且是冷藏低温下長時間進行發酵,最短时间是24小时就可以看到發酵至2~2.5倍, 最长时间要等至3天。(温度的差异而已)网上形容这面团是好脾气到没棱没角,低温发酵,酵母活性下降的慢慢酝酿好味道。

我花了将近三天的时间看它成长,看它在呼吸,它每一过程我都一一拍下来,它的一点一滴我都看在眼里,犹如初为人母的喜悦(太天使对吗?嘿嘿), 当看到它的成长,那种欣喜的感觉现在都记忆犹新。 喜悦。。因为我魔鬼的想法出现脑儿里,那么辛苦的等待。。我要好好享受它,哈哈

它可不是盖的。。出来的效果完全呈現素材原味不受酵母味道影響而產生充分發酵的美妙風味及組織細膩風味佳, 套美女 Victoria Bakes常用的那两句话,‘强推’哦!

The low temperature fermentation bread bun

Ingredients :

200g high gluten flour/ bread flour

3g sea salt

6g raw sugar

1g (less than 1/2 tsp ) yeast

145g water


  1. In a mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all the ingredients and add the water slowly (keep about 20 to 30cc, try to add all the water). Knead until well combined until the dough passes the windowpane stage

  2. Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with cling wrap. Let the dough stand at room temperature for 30 minutes to 1 hour before proceeding.

  3. Sprinkle and press some flour on the dough surface, put the dough into the preservation container (It is better to use a high narrow container so easier to see the results of fermentation) and gently deflate the dough, cover closures and with tape marked on the container.

  4. Refrigerate overnight under low temperature for 12 to 15 hours until doubled in size. (Mine took about three days, this depend on the fridge temperature)

  5. Remove dough from refrigerator(do not open the lid of the container) and let stand at room temperature for 30 to 60 minutes and then open the lid.

  6. Punch down risen dough. Transfer to a lightly floured working surface. Cut 6 pcs

  7. Cover with wet cloth and leave the dough rest for 10mins

  8. Again, punch down risen dough and roll dough into round ball

  9. Place the finished dough on the prepared baking tray. Leave the dough rest for 50 to 60 mins until doubled in size.

  10. With scissors cut the center of the dough, spray some water on the dough surface, preheated 190-degree oven to bake for 15 minutes ( Note: Put a cup of boiling water into oven so to help the bread surface is more crust. The bread normally is crust when to serve hot, however, when the bread is cool, it is not brittle, but the texture like chewy)



200g 高筋麵粉

3g 海鹽

6g 赤糖

1g(略少於1/2小匙) 速發酵母

145g 清水








6。將麵團移至撒了少許高筋麵粉的工作台, 用手輕壓麵團排出空氣,切成6等分,

7. 蓋上濕布,進行10分鐘中間發酵讓麵團鬆弛




The Buns that I baked yesterday. :)



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