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PINEAPPLE BUN(BO LUO BAO)Please click here for more detail

I posted in FB about this bun quite some time ago, but until now then have time to work out the recipe, my apologies.

I love this so much even though I know that a good bun is to die for but fattening especially for those who wish to be slim. When talking about Bo luo bao, generally the first thought is a favorite snack from Hong Kong and Macau. If you’ve never had a pineapple bun before, the first thing you’d notice is that the signature golden, underneath that crunchy and sweet crust is a fluffy and soft bread which looks like a pineapple, hence the name, oh yes, there is no actual pineapple in the bun. Mostly this serves it with a piece of butter stuffed into the middle of the bread; I even tried in Hong Kong Bo luo bao with a pork chop, OMG! It is heavenly to have a big bite when the butter is melting with juicy pork chop within the soft and fluffy bread. Tell you a secret, putting a ham and cheese together with bao lou bun is yummy too.

Many of my readers have already known that I’m addicted to tangzhong bread because they are soft and fluffy, and they can be kept for days. No surprise, I am using tangzhong method again, this bread usually use bread flour but I have slightly added some quantity of wholemeal flour to make myself feel not so guilty when having this. lol

I check some of the recipes that do not need any ammonia powder, but I understand that by using ammonia powder, it helps the topping crack nicely. Nevertheless, it’s quite tricky too. If used insufficiently, we won't see any cracking patterns appear on the topping, but If put more than sufficient, the buns would smell weird. My recipe as below has added less than 1/4 tsp, so I find that it is just nice for this. To remove my curiosity, I have lightly run a knife over the pineapple crust without cutting through for all the bread buns and purposely not do anything for one bread bun. As a result, the bread bun without running a knife cracked nicely too. This experiment says that this recipe with ammonia powder can save time for this step. Hooray!!

刚从One FM 那读到“每日一句“ 好好吃饭,好好睡觉,好好挣钱,好好花钱。不为不值得的人生气,不为不值得的事失眠。既然活着就好好活着,每分钟都为自己活着。 努力做个开心的人吧,开心到别人看到你也会变得开心。“

我深为其然, 人只要豁达,大量些,学会寻找属于自己的快乐,让人也开心,就能活得开心。。

今天有位可爱朋友跟我闲聊,之后思考里面的内容,再次检讨自己人生观点会否正确??? 我是名副其实家庭主妇,家庭优先,家庭关系是我这辈子最有意义的投资。我啊!有点“山龟”(井底蛙),生活简单但精彩的渡过每一天,我相信几乎每位家庭主妇都是如此,每天为孩子与家庭而忙碌,偶尔会嘟嘟囔囔的,但一当没在“忙”字转时,我不晓得你们有否像我如此?整个人慌了,不知所措,所以不能闲着,总爱找事来“消遣”寻找快乐感。

随着年龄增长,我记性越来越差,很多事情总无法记挂在心上。无论多忙,我爱写写散文,将所有不开心的事情都迅速遗忘,把一些开心的事情装进脑中或文字里,时不时拿出来回忆, 也是甜蜜的。

’部落格与专页(Homepage)在慢慢‘耕耘着,三边跑,虽忙但享受其中。不是志在争取人气点击率,而是能分享自己的小作品与他人交流与切磋,自己的兴趣化为美丽的天使传送快乐,感染他人,也不是件坏事。接着下来,我脚步也许放慢一些,三家依然会浇水施肥, 或许不会那么繁茂,但不会让它们枯枝败叶的。


生活中欣悦从小事开始,驻足一下,你就算偷偷望一望我家的菠萝包,我也乐啊!夹上一片火腿乳酪,在嘴里有滋有味地嚼着, 那熔化的乳酪,香气十足菠萝包,引逗着人的味口, 这就是幸福。


Recipe source from Christine (I have do some adjustment)

Pineapple Bun, Bo Luo Bao (Makes 12 buns, each about 62 grams)

Ingredients of tangzhong

25gm bread flour

60ml water

65ml fresh low fat milk

Ingredients of bread:

270 gm bread flour

80gm whole wheat flour

70 gm raw sugar

4 gm sea salt

56 gm whisked egg

10 gm milk powder

6 gm instant dry yeast

120 gm tangzhong

125 ml low fat milk

30 gm butter, softened at room temperature

Ingredients of topping (makes 12, each about 20grams)

125 gm cake flour

55 gm raw sugar

40 gm butter, softened at room temperature

7 gm milk power

1 egg yolk

1 tbsp evaporated milk

1 tsp condensed milk

A bit less than 1/4 tsp edible ammonia powder, available at Asian stores

1/4 tsp baking powder

Method of making TangZhong:

  1. Mix flour in milk and water well without any lumps. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring consistently with a wooden spoon, whisk or spatula to prevent burning and sticking while you cook along the way.

  2. The mixture becomes thicker and thicker. Once you notice some “lines” appear in the mixture for every stir, you make with the spoon. It’s done. You get the TangZhong. Remove from heat.

  3. Transfer to a clean bowl. Cover with a cling wrap sticking onto the surface of TangZhong to prevent from drying up. Let cool. The TangZhong can be used straight away once it cools down to room temperature.

Method of making bun

  1. In a mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all the main dough ingredients, except butter. Add in all the TangZhong, knead until well combined.

  2. When all ingredients get together, then add butter. The dough is quite sticky and messy at this stage. and continue kneading until dough is smooth, and dough passes the window-pane test.

  3. Shape dough into a ball. Place in a greased bowl and cover with a wet towel or cling wrap. Let it proof till it's doubled in size, about 40 to 60 minutes.

  4. Transfer the dough to a clean floured surface. Deflate and divide into 12 equal portions. Cover with cling wrap, let rest for 15 minutes.

  5. Meanwhile, make the topping, add all the topping ingredients together and make a dough, wrap with the wrap and put into the fridge (Please refer to the picture as below.)

  6. Knead each little dough portions into ball shapes. Let them complete the 2nd round of proofing, about 35 minutes, doubled in size.

  7. Preheat oven to 210°C (410°F). When the dough portions are doubled in size, remove topping paste from fridge, cut into 12 equal portions and roll in balls.

  8. Cover by a film wrap and press each portion into a flat disc. Place on top of the small dough. Repeat this step with the rest. (Please see the picture as below)

  9. Brush the top with whisked egg yolk and bake in a preheated 210°C (410°F) for 5 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 180°C (356°F) and bake for another 15 minutes.

菠萝包 (使 12 包子,每个大约 62 克)


25克 面包粉

60 毫升 清水

65 毫升 新鲜低脂牛奶


270克 面包粉

80 克 全麦面粉

70 克 赤糖

4克 海盐

56克 全蛋

10 克 奶粉

6克 速溶干酵母

120 克 汤种

125 毫升低脂牛奶

30克 牛油,室温软化

菠萝皮成分(12份,每个 20克)

125克 蛋糕面粉

55 克 赤糖

40 克 牛油,室温软化

7克 奶粉

1 个 蛋黄

1 汤匙 炼乳

1 茶匙 炼奶

少于 1/4茶匙食用臭粉

1/4 茶匙 发酵粉

汤种 的作法 ︰

  1. 将面粉,牛奶和水混合直到没块状为止。用低热度来煮,用木勺持续搅拌,避免低层烧焦。

  2. 将混合物煮成变得越来越浓。一旦搅拌时发现一些“线”在混合物上就是完成了。起锅离火。

  3. 转移到一个干净的碗里。用保鲜纸盖着汤种,以防止干涸。放凉。一旦该汤种冷却到室温时就可以马上使用。


  1. 除了牛油,将所有的主面团成分加入一个混合器,添加汤种,搓揉

  2. 然后加入牛油,面团在这一阶段是相当粘,并继续揉至光滑撑得起薄膜的面团为止。

  3. 弄成一个球形状的面团。然后放在抹了油的碗里,盖上湿毛巾或保鲜纸。发酵约40 -60分钟至两倍大

  4. 发酵后,撒一些高筋面粉在桌上,将发好的面团移到桌上,然后把面团的空气拍出, 并分成 12 等份,把它们放在室温下休息约15分钟。

  5. 与此同时,弄菠萝皮,把全部弄成团,包上保鲜纸然后放入冰箱里(请参考如下所示的图片)。

  6. 面包休息15分钟后,揉成球形小面团。让他们完成第二轮的发酵,发酵约 30 至40分钟至两倍大

  7. 将烤箱预热至 210 ° C , 当12粒面团部分都发酵后,从冰箱拿出来的菠萝皮、 切成 12 等份和滚成球形

8. 杠团然后压成扁平的圆盘。铺置在小面团顶部。重复此步骤。(请参见图片如下所示)

9. 扫刷蛋黄在菠萝皮上面和烘烤预热 210 ° c 为 5 分钟。温度降至 180 ° C,烤 15 分钟。

Would you like to try something cold dessert to make yourself pretty ?

The healthy wholemeal bread you may like. :)



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