Today is my darling's birthday as well as my goddaughter. Made her one of my favorite see-through fruit and soya pudding cake. The see-through pudding reminds me of ice cubes, and it makes me feel cool instantly, as I imagine the chilled pudding with refreshing fruits in my mouth.
In fact, this cake is not difficult to make, just requires more steps. It is a dessert that needs the cake to be baked in advance. While for the pudding, it might seem like a lot of time is required, but it's mostly waiting time so if you are doing other things, just make sure you have a timer set to ensure that you don’t forget about it. The trick to making the pudding is to create layers and let them half setting (半凝固) before pouring the next layer. It’s important to follow the directions exactly; the interesting part is that we have to act fast and gentle when making this and let each mixture cool enough so that it doesn’t end up melting the layer below it when you pour it on.
I just tried mine this evening, and I like this creation. However, I have no idea if the birthday girl loves it or not, but I guess she does.
今天是我的他牛一, 也是我的干女儿生日,记得她小时候还好几次与他一起庆生呢, 现在她已是亭亭玉立的少女了。
其实这蛋糕必不难做, 只是步骤比较繁多。 食谱材料是弄两到三的6寸蛋糕分量, 我懒得減減➗➗, 就索性弄整个食谱, 弄了两个半的蛋糕。 说起这蛋糕, 动作可要敏捷与轻柔, 一不留神, 透明的不是溜去豆奶那儿玩耍, 不然的话就是豆奶霸气的在透明的赖着不走。 要不就动作再慢一些, 透明的与豆奶因为来不及在半凝固时倒入另一半, 因此吃时两片无法黏在一起而各不理睬, 就如九层糕似的, 撕開來享用呗。
我刚吃了家里另一份, 之前的顾虑是多余的, 原来豆奶与水果果冻是可以交朋友的。 从这理悟到,每个人都有自己的人生态度、处世方式、情趣爱好和性格特点,选择生活也有各自的标准和条件。别人常说人与人之间, 朋友之间, 夫妻之间, 就算性格不相同, 只要理解, 试了解, 其中一人认可与包容对方所做的一切, 什么事情都好办得多了。

Fruits soya pudding cake (For two to three 6” cake mould) (If you want to make one cake only, please adjust by yourself, sorry :P)
180g Unsalted butter
175g Raw sugar
5 or 280g Eggs , lightly beaten
120g Self raising flour, sifted
6 tbsp Ground almond
80g fresh milk
1 tsp Vanilla Extract[u1]
2 tbsp purple sweet potato powder (optional)
Preheat oven to 200 degrees C.
Put butter and sugar in a bowl and beat until light and creamy. Gradually add the egg, beating well after each addition.
Stop machine fold in the sifted flour with a rubber spatula, then add the almonds, and fresh milk, mix well (do not over mix).
Spoon batter into the cake mould and bake for about 20 to 30 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when inserted in the middle.
Cut three layers of cake, put aside.
Soya pudding layer (A) 1000 ml soya Milk (bottle) 10 g agar agar powder
Transparent layer (B)
10 g agar agar powder
5 g jelly Powder
150g raw sygar (I changed 130 g)
300ml water, canned longan
700m water
2-3 pandan leaves
Fruits whatever that you like
To make soya layer: Stir to evenly combine until cook. Set aside
To make transparent layer - In the meantime, Pour the ingredient (B) except fruits into a deep saucepan, stir to evenly combine until cook, remove the pandan leave
Pour the cooked transparent layer (B) with any fruit into Cake Pan, half setting.
Then slowly pour some soy pudding (A) slowly, half setting.
Then add the remaining ingredients (B), to be half-setting, then put a piece of cake.
Put into fridge at least 4 hours before serve.

水果豆奶布丁蛋糕 (我的是两到三个 6"蛋糕的食谱,如果要弄一个而已,麻烦自儿调整,不好意思哦)
材料 ︰
180 克 无盐的牛油
175 克 赤糖
5个 或 280 g 鸡蛋,轻轻地打散
120 克 自发面粉,筛
6 汤匙 杏仁粉
80 克 鲜牛奶
1 茶匙 香草精
2 汤匙 紫甘薯粉 (可选)
作法 ︰
1.烤箱预热到 190 摄氏度。
2. 將牛油及黃糖与赤糖打發至松白,繼續攪拌均勻,重复步骤,直到把鸡蛋加完為止
3. 倒入过筛后的面粉,用橡胶刮刀,然后添加杏仁粉`和鲜牛奶,搅拌均匀 (不要过分混合)。
4. 将面糊倒入蛋糕模,烤约 30 到40分钟或直到熟为止。
5. 切成三片蛋糕,放在一旁。
豆奶布丁层 (A)
1000 毫升 豆浆牛奶 (包装)
10 克 燕菜粉
透明层 (B)
10克 燕菜粉
5 克 Jelly粉
150克 赤塘 (我改成130克)
300ml 罐头龙眼水
700ml 清水
2到3片 班兰叶
随意 水果
豆奶布丁层 – (A) 材料混合在锅里,边搅边煮至到水煮开为止, 待用。
透明布丁层- 期间,把(B)材料混合在锅里(除了水果),边搅边煮至到水煮开为止, 拿出班兰叶。
把煮好的一些透明层材料(A)与任何水果倒入蛋糕模里, 待半凝结。
然后慢慢地把豆奶布丁材料 的一些份量慢慢地倒入已经半凝结的材料 (A)里。
再倒入剩余的材料 (A),待半凝结时, 放入一片蛋糕。
待凝结后, 放入冰箱至少 4 个小时, 倒扣后即可享用