昨天早上听了一则有趣电台留言,话说开战是一位男听众,他投诉当他去学校载孩子时他都很生气, 因为常遇到kayu (糊涂)女司机。话一出就不得了,有位女听众风驰电掣来电了:“我也很生气,每天在路上看到那么多男司机,(提高声调)Oh my goodness” 接着下来,当然免不了一些男女听众‘争论’起来,有杀伤力,但无火药味,内容调皮风趣, 莫去深考这话题的问题,我在车上听得津津有味,乐得很, 差点忘了归家。哈哈,这样如此就让我乐了一整天。
今早观看了连续剧,一位老人家为了教训自大的推销员,先来酒品好人品好,把他灌醉买单。第二天就点了凉拌苦瓜啊,清炒苦瓜的,苦瓜汤呀,干脆全部苦瓜料理,提醒推销员吃了它们是为了忆苦思甜,好一句忆苦思甜, 吃得推销员不得不‘提高思想觉悟’而且满是苦瓜脸。第三天‘手段‘更绝, 老人家用向上,勇敢之心,逼那推销员骑脚车载他‘斿车河“,边用拐棍打推销员的屁股,一边喊向上,推销员又可爱又夸张的表情,画面滑稽及了。。我啊!也活乐乐了一个早上。 中午去了朋友的家一趟,临走之前,朋友随手采了她家水翁给我,我捧着手里,乐得很哟 儿子总爱在下午点些甜品来解馋,今午不理会他爱不爱吃,就弄紫甘薯山核桃面包夹乳酪, 喜欢慢慢品尝的他,切得小小块的,看他那享受其中的模样,竖大拇指的手势要求再来一片,我也乐了。
再与你们分享,可爱的汉字,调侃到家了。 1.「晶」对「品」说:「你们家都没有装修喔?」 2.「夫」对「天」说:「我总算盼到了出头之日!」 3.「熊」对「能」说:「怎麼穷成这样啦?四个熊掌全卖了!」 4.「丙」对「两」说:「你家什麼时候多了一个人,结婚了?」 5.「乒」对「乓」说:「你我都一样,一等残废军人。」 6.「兵」对「丘」说:「兄弟,踩上地雷了吧,两腿炸得都没了?」 7.「王」对「皇」说:「当皇上有什麽好处?你看,头发都白了!」 8.「口」对「回」说:「亲爱的,都怀孕这麽久了,也不说一声!」 9.「也」对「她」说:「当老板罗?出门还带秘书!」 10.「日」对「旦」说:「你什麼时候学会玩滑板了?」 11.「果」对「裸」说:「哥们儿,你穿上衣服还不如不穿!」 12.「由」对「甲」说:「你什麼时候学会倒立了?」 13.「巾」对「币」说:「戴上 博士帽就身价百倍 了!」 14.「口」对「囚」说:「你中央有人也照样进去!」 笑过之后,你会发现几乎每一条都是真理。 我读了两三回,也笑乐了。 ‘乐’也是有趣汉字,我不懂如何解说,但每一次‘见’到它,我的心情也乐了。昨天与一位密友聊起处世待人,这`方面我还在学习中,没资格给意见, 但我坚信凡是对人对事别看到那么重,大事小事乐观看待,心宽路更宽。。天天开心,乐融融呀。 亲爱的,你们看了我这忘了排气丑丑但温柔的紫番薯面包, 是乐?是愁?还是想要来一片呢?嘻嘻
25克 面粉
63毫升 鲜牛奶
63毫升 水
120克 汤种
280克 面粉
70gn 蛋糕粉
50克 蛋 (1粒)
110毫升 奶
40克 蜂蜜
12克 奶粉
半茶匙 盐
2茶匙 即时干酵母
25克 牛油,融化
160 蒸紫薯切块成块(保留一些, 用在最后步骤)
30克 山核桃(切成小块)
3. 将面团放入一个抹了油碗,盖上湿布。发酵约40 -60分钟至两倍大。
5. 用擀面杖将面团的每个部分成椭圆形。从上边到中间,然后按1/3折叠。然后从下到中间,然后按1/3折叠。打开密封向下。卷平整,延伸到约30cm长。随着封向上,卷成筒。随着封朝下,放进模具里。放在密闭温暖空间,再发酵60-70分钟至九分满模。
Purple Sweet Potato Pecan Bread (Tangzhong)
Ingredients of tangzhong
25gm bread flour
63 ml fresh milk
63 ml water
Method of making tangzhong:
Mix flour in milk and water well without any lumps. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring consistently with a wooden spoon, whisk or spatula to prevent burning and sticking while you cook along the way. 2. The mixture becomes thicker and thicker. Once you notice some “lines” appear in the mixture for every stir you make with the spoon. It’s done. You get the tangzhong. Remove from heat. 3. Transfer into a clean bowl. Cover with a cling wrap sticking onto the surface of tangzhong to prevent from drying up. Let cool. The tangzhong can be used straight away once it cools down to room temperature.
120 gm tangzhong 280 gm bread flour
70gn cake flour
50 gm whisked egg (1 egg) 110 ml milk 40 gm honey
12 gm milk power ½ tsp salt 2 tsp instant dried yeast 25 gm butter, melted 160 steamed purple sweet potato diced into chunks (reserve some to put last)
30gm pecan (cut into small piece)
In a mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all the main dough ingredients, except butter. Add in all the tangzhong, knead until well combined.
Then add in butter and continue kneading until dough is smooth and dough passes the window-pane test.. Add pecan and balance of sweet potato, mix well.
Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with clingwrap. Allow it to rise until double in volume. (This take about 40 to 60 mins)
Transfer the dough onto a clean floured surface. Deflate and divide into 3 equal portions. Cover with cling wrap/ wet cloth, let it rest for 15 minutes at room temperature.
Roll out each portion of the dough with a rolling pin into an oval shape. Fold 1/3 from top edge to the middle and press. Then fold 1/3 from bottom to the middle and press. Turn seal downward. Roll flat and stretch to about 30cm in length. With seal upward, roll into a cylinder. With seal facing down, place in the loaf tin. Complete the 2nd round of proofing, until doubled in size.
Brush whisked egg on surface. Bake in a pre-heated 180C oven for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and transfer onto a wire rack. Let cool completely.