听取旧同学, 宝香与Hee的意见(谢谢她们),为了使面包更松软,我采用了King Arthur flour的食谱,分量稍微调整,面团的元素量依然存在只是汤种的分量变成1成2。起先,听说面团会比平常的更粘,令我对‘实验’更好奇和担忧。不过出来的效果是与往常的面包质感大同小异,并不粘, 让我整个人松了一口气。
既然是成功的开始,我就有个怪念头,不想与以前的帖子一样一成不变的面包, 我往冰箱里的找法宝。最后,耶!日本红薯和肉干可是我‘救命恩物’。在烤箱里烤时,它芳香漫溢整个大厅呢。我个人觉得美中不足的是红薯蒸得不够软,好友美玉却说其实重烤,把烤箱调到170度,烘上15分钟,面包外皮香脆内软,红薯也变软了,她爱吃,无形中给我打强力针并在挑战中取得满足感。
下一步,我试用相同的配方与同样的方法,只是改成面粉250克和全麦面粉70克而红薯和肉干暂时打入冷宫内。真诚的,感谢这个令人难以置信的食谱(感谢创造者),即使有何‘小变动’,面包几乎谁尝过都获得了一致好评, 再配上奶油或乳酪更是完美的结合。

I am not sure who is the one who created this unique name, ‘ Tang Zhong’(started), I made this Japanese milk bread (also known as Hokkaido milk bread), many times and it is known for its distinct slightly sweet flavor and soft interior. The secret but, in fact, is not a secret anymore, is a simple technique involving a roux "starter”. A simple mixture of flour, water, and milk creates this paste that helps to produce the fluffiest bread ever. The bread can be kept for days yet still be very soft and springy like the first day. Best of all, the method is very natural, no chemicals used at all.
According to internet search, Sponge dough method is an indirect pre-ferment bread baking process, and it is a two-step process. In the first step a sponge dough (starter dough) is made and allowed to ferment for a period, and in the second phase, the sponge dough is added to the final dough’s ingredients, creating the total formula. A pre-ferment and a longer fermentation in the bread-making process have several benefits: there is more time for yeast actions on the starch and proteins in the dough; this, in turn, improves the keeping time of the baked bread, and it creates greater complexities of flavor.

This time round, I took my ex-class mate advice, (thanks Hee and Poh chuan) to make the loaf even softer, I adapted the King Arthur flour's recipe, I used double the size of tang Zhong's ingredient, but the quantity of dough's element remains. Firstly, they advised me the dough will become sticky which made me curious and worried. However my worries were unfounded, the dough texture is typical of what I did most of the times.

I have a weird mind to make the bread looks different than my previous post; I looked in my fridge for something to fix in the bread. Finally yeah! Sweet potato and bak guan (BBQ pork slice) would make the right choice. It smells so great when the bread baked in the oven. A fly in the ointment and the sweet potato was not soft enough but my close friend friend, Catherine tried the bun, she praise it is yummy and great combination, make my day and I was amazed at the challenge.

Next step, I have tried the same recipe with the same method, but I used 250g of bread flour and 70f of whole wheat flour to omit the sweet potato and bak guan. I must say thanks to this incredible recipe, even with some changes, the bread has gained praises from almost everyone who has tasted it, and is best served with butter or cheese.

Do I need to describe more? Please bake and try it out this sponge dough method of Japanese Milk Bread with whatever kind of ingredient that you like.

Japanese Milk Bread Rolls (Tangzhong)
78g water
85g non-fat fresh milk
40g unbleached bread flour
320g unbleached bread flour (or 250g unbleached bread flour & 70g whole wheat flour)
2 tbp non-fat milk powder
50g raw sugar
1 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp instant yeast
115g non-fat fresh milk
1 large egg
60g melted unsalted butter
1pc Japanese sweet potato (cut into cube and steam) (optional)
Some bak guan (BBQ pork slice) (optional)
Method of making tangzhong:
Mix flour in milk and water well without any lumps. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring consistently with a wooden spoon, whisk or spatula to prevent burning and sticking while you cook along the way.
The mixture becomes thicker and thicker. Once you notice some “lines” appear in the mixture for every stir you make with the spoon. It’s done. You get the tangzhong. Remove from heat.
Transfer into a clean bowl. Cover with a cling wrap sticking onto the surface of tangzhong to prevent from drying up. Let cool. The tangzhong can be used straight away once it cools down to room temperature.
Method of making dough:
In a mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all the main dough ingredients, except butter. Add in all the tangzhong, knead until well combined.
Then add butter and continue kneading until dough is smooth and dough passes the window-pane test.
Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with cling wrap. Allow it to rise until double in volume. (This take about 40 to 60 mins)
Gently deflate the dough, mix the steamed sweet potato (optional) together, divide it into 13 equal pieces, and shape each piece into a ball. (. (For roll with sweet potato, I make 70g while normal roll is about 50g)
Place the bread on the tray with baking paper. Cover the pan, and let the bread rest for 40 to 50 minutes or until puffy. (For normal roll, I keep this into fridge overnight. Next day, let roll rest at room temperature for about an hour until roll has doubled in volume).
Preheat the oven to 180C. Brush the roll with milk or egg wash (1 large egg beaten with 1 tablespoon cold water) (optional) and place the bak guan (bbq pork slice)(optional) on top the rolls, and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

78克 清水
85克 脱脂鲜牛奶
40克 未漂白面粉
320克 未漂白面包粉(或250克未漂白面包粉及70克全麦面粉)
2 汤匙 无脂奶粉
50克 赤糖
1茶匙 海盐
1汤匙 活性干酵母
115克 脱脂鲜牛奶
1个 鸡蛋
60克 融化的牛油

将面团放入一个抹了油碗,盖上湿布。发酵约40 -60分钟至两倍大
撒一些高筋面粉在桌上,将发好的面团移到桌上,然后把面团的空气拍出, 混合蒸红薯一起(可选),将其分成13等份,弄成圆球形。 (至于红薯面包,大概是70克而普通面包是50克)
Thank you for reading my blog , enjoy baking :)

问儿子要喝Milo与面包作为下午茶并以精神支持他明天大考, 他突然吐出一句话,为何不开间Cafe,我笑了。
我去厨房弄面包,那小瓜不温习,为我‘将来‘不懂几时的Cafe弄了一张Menu, 我看了,晕!!!
如果我真的是依照他写的菜单似的做生意,我肯地‘失晒大本’ (亏本),迟早关门大吉!哈哈
再看营业时间, 我的天啊!8am to 10pm!!!他要做死他老妈子!!😁 再读他那搞笑公司座右铭(motto), 有玟历就厉害!😂 他真是 古灵精怪!!
Just share with you guys, this created by my son who wishes me to set up a cafe. Look at the menu, if I really have a cafe, the food with this selling price, I am surely lost money! lol