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65’C TANGZHONG WHOLE WHEAT CINNAMON ROLLS (Please click here for more detail)

This is a lovely roll that I honestly thought I had self-control until I made these. A few days ago after dinner. I was saving them for my kids; they had two each even when they were feeling full. I only ate a bit, as I need to reserve some for my photo shoot next day. Sob sob...

The bread rolls is a perfect starting point for any sort of sweet roll you want to make. I love to see the bread rolls after taking them out from the oven; they look like fluffy little-spiraled pillows. All nice & toasty!

I am using the Tang Zhong (water roux starter) method again, 65"c is the temperature it should be when cooking Tang Zhong. In the past when I cooked Tang Zhong, I merely estimated the temperature. However, to clear my curiosity, for the first time, i used a cooking thermometer, and I found 'the 66'c or 64'c, is the same as 65'c too, guess 65'c is just our guideline. I cooked the flour and water mixture to 65°C. At 65°C, the gluten in the flour absorbs the moisture and becomes leavened.

Back to the bread rolls, I'm entirely satisfied with the texture of this bread, I could tell that with this cinnamon mixture, your self-control will disappear after you try this recipe. They are utterly irresistible. The fluffiest, softest but easiest roll to make as well.

近来迷上港剧枭雄与公公出宫,两套都是有我的偶像黎耀祥, 一个有情有意与滑稽的公公,另一个大奸大恶的帮会老大。“公公`”让我哭笑不得, “枭雄”却令我感动得涕泗交颐,我又哭又笑的,精神分裂,我猜家里的帮佣肯定觉得这Mom是“笑”的(精神有问题)。



回到正题,今天的主角是它,65℃ 汤种全麦肉桂卷, 为何65℃? 而不是66, 67 又不是好意头号码68? 来源是因为是用溫度計準確65℃地去煮湯種,煮后加入主麵團一起發酵,就會令焗出來的麵包非常軟綿可口。

我小女儿超爱 McDonald的肉桂卷, 我特地弄了这,满足她的瘾。喜欢肉桂的绝对不会抗拒它, 我爱全麦, 加了它更加把面包卷添上层次的香味。 喜欢浓浓的肉桂、第二天往嘴里塞, 那滋味让人飞舞。 女儿要求再弄, 因为不只是她, 她朋友也爱。

角色不论是配还是主, 认真做好, ”对症下药”, 就是成功的一半。 今天它是主角, 角色扮演对了, 家中孩子为它鼓掌, 我这配角也感到欣慰。

65’C TangZhong Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls


65°C TangZhong 78g water

85g non-fat fresh milk

40g unbleached bread flour


160g bread flour

50g wholewheat flour

50g cake flour

5g yeast

50g raw sugar

½ tsp sea salt

110g 1 egg + water

75g tangzhong

30g butter


15g butter soften

30gbrown sugar + 1tbsp ground cinnamon

50g mixed dried fruits or raisins



  1. Mix flour in milk and water well without any lumps. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring consistently with a wooden spoon, whisk or spatula to prevent burning and sticking while you cook along the way.

  2. The mixture becomes thicker and thicker. Once you notice some “lines” appear in the mixture for every stir you make with the spoon. It’s done. You get the tangzhong. Remove from heat.

  3. Transfer into a clean bowl. Cover with a cling wrap sticking onto the surface of tangzhong to prevent from drying up. Let cool. The tangzhong can be used straight away once it cools down to room temperature.


  1. In a mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all the main dough ingredients, except butter. Add in all the tangzhong, knead until well combined.

  2. Then add butter and continue kneading until dough is smooth and dough passes the window-pane test.

  3. Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with cling wrap. Allow it to rise until double in volume. (This take about 40 to 60 mins)

  4. After proofing, Gently deflate the dough and shape it round. Rest dough for 15 minutes.

  5. Roll dough into a flat sheet of 28cm x 40cm with a rolling pin.

  6. Apply the soften butter all over the flat dough sheet, spread the cinnamon sugar evenly and top it with dried raisins or fruits.

  7. Roll it up swiss-roll style. Cut into 9 pieces of about 3cm thick.

  8. Put them in a 20cm x 20cm or round baking tray and proof for 45 minutes or till double in size.

  9. Preheat the oven to 180C.bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

65℃ 汤种全麦肉桂卷



78克 清水

85克 脱脂鲜牛奶

40克 未漂白面粉


160克 面包粉

50克 全麦面粉

50克 蛋糕粉

5克 活性干酵母

50克 赤糖

半茶匙 海盐

110克 鸡蛋1个+清水

75克 汤种

30克 牛油


15克 牛油(软化)

30克红糖+ 1汤匙肉桂粉

50克 混合干果或葡萄干



  1. 将面粉,牛奶和水混合直到没块状为止。用低热度来煮,用木勺持续搅拌,避免低层烧焦。

  2. 将混合物煮成变得越来越浓。一旦搅拌时发现一些“线”在混合物上就是完成了。起锅离火。

  3. 转移到一个干净的碗里。用保鲜纸盖着汤种,以防止干涸。放凉。一旦该汤种冷却到室温时就可以马上使用。


  1. 除了牛油,将所有的主面团成分加入一个混合器,添加汤种,搓揉

  2. 然后加入牛油,继续揉至面团撑得起薄膜的面团。

  3. 将面团放入一个抹了油碗,盖上湿布。发酵约40 -60分钟至两倍大

  4. 发酵后,撒一些高筋面粉在桌上,将发好的面团移到桌上,然后把面团的空气拍出, 弄成圆球形,把它们放在室温下休息约15分钟。

  5. 休息好的麵團表面灑些手粉避免沾粘,用桿麵棍橄成約28cm¯x40cm 长方形面团。

  6. 将软化的牛油涂抹在平坦面团上,均匀地撒肉桂糖和混合干果或葡萄干。

  7. 由長向捲起如瑞士卷做法一样,收口捏緊成為柱狀。切成9个约约3cm厚。

  8. 把它们放在20cm¯x20cm或圆烤盘, 4放在室温下休息约一小时,发酵大概40分钟至两倍大5分钟。

  9. 烘烤在预热的180℃烘箱中20分钟或直到金黄色为止



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