茶叶蛋 材料: 10 粒 蛋 材料2 1.2 litre清水 15g 茶葉 4粒 八角 4片 甘草 5 g 当归 125 g 黑酱油 1tsp 海盐 1tbsp 玫瑰露 方法 1) 把鸡蛋放进锅内, 加入冷水, 以中火煮至蛋熟, 捞起 2)...
I am a happy wife to a supportive husband and a mum to three lovely children. I have a great passion in cooking and baking healthily for my family. I also love food photography and drawing. Pursuit of our favorite things & make our life more interesting. Live it happily, choregraph out life.
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