糖醋排骨 (食谱取自 Janice Teo, ) 材 料 : 500 排骨 (剁块 ) 1 条 红辣椒 ( 剁碎 )(我没放) 5 粒 蒜瓣 ( 拍扁 ) 腌 料 : 1/2 大匙 麻油 1 大匙 花雕酒 1 /4小匙 胡椒粉 1 大匙 薯粉 酱 料...
I am a happy wife to a supportive husband and a mum to three lovely children. I have a great passion in cooking and baking healthily for my family. I also love food photography and drawing. Pursuit of our favorite things & make our life more interesting. Live it happily, choregraph out life.
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