Chocolate Belgium Gateaux
Specially made Chocolate Belgium Gateaux for you Joe. Even though it's not perfect, it's the thought that counts. The lunch gathering...

Natural green beauty 天然绿色美
Top left: Endive vegetable, green pea, red skin raddish, corn, tomato, ginkgu nut Greek vinaigrette salad dressing, black pepper and sea...

Stay Lean and Healthy for Life
Black fungus, green chili, green, red, orange capsicum, corn, tomato, smoked duck Homestyle Vinaigrette dreesing, black pepper, sea salt...

Stay Lean and Healthy for Life
Breakfast today #Vegetarian

My New 'Home'
这个五月可是我另一不同的的月,我的20年的结婚周年,几位好友的生日,难忘的母亲节。家佣离别,朋友不管是在私下或者在面书上联络我出于他们的关怀,让我感到人间有温情。而今天又来个惊喜,我好友,Henny 静悄悄为我设计一个我人生第一个Blog。刚去拜访我的‘家’,新颖,干净利落...

Stay Lean and Healthy for Life
Stay lean and healthy for life 从饮食金字塔到天然绿色路线,朝向健康之道 Top Left image: Yummy crepe with salad Top right image: Star fruit, jambu, blueberry,...

Stay Lean and Healthy for Life
Stay lean and healthy for life 从饮食金字塔到天然绿色路线,朝向健康之道 Top Left image: Jambu, red skin raddish, tomato cherries, red n orange pepper, mango,...

Homemade Shrimp Crackers
脆香的,海味十足的虾饼,吃出虾的那个鲜美,是无法用文字形容。炸好之后,大家不约而同围上去,顷刻间桌上一片狼藉,只虾饼无存。 #Snacks

Ang Ku Kueh
天然的颜色,气质非凡,紫薯遇上绿豆,橘薯与花生的偶遇,紫橘薯的乱配搭,简直是绝配。迷你红龟糕,蒸完成之后涂上一层薄薄的香食油,让她闪耀着迷人的光芒,散发着芬芳的气味,诱着人欲罢不能, 吃了第一口还想再来一口。 大小红龟糕摆在一起,小巫见大巫,大巫见小巫,皆大欢喜。...

Apple Raspberry Cake
Apple Raspberry Cake - Can't deny the fact that I'm interested in any food that has fruits in them. Love this cake as it has a crisp of...