Teppan Yakisoba
不懂你们还对去年我上载我的日本邻居送来的他们的炒面(Teppan yakisoba 鉄板焼きそば)镌刻于心吗?我还记得瞥见的人都好爱,我还曾许下诺言,一定要向她偷师,但头脑退化中,却把这事搁在一旁。哈哈。。piesay piesay....

Apple Berries Loaf
I am a fruits lover, never say NO to them. Bake this AppleBerries loaf for my closed friends. The natural sweetness of the fruit adds to...

Fried Banana
The ordinary fried bananas can upgrade from the mundane to the high class delicacy. Let's have high tea now. 原来炸香蕉可以从平凡升级到高级吃法。饮茶时间了 #Snacks

Cold Ginkgo Lily Dessert
让我们在炎热潮湿的天气下,享受一碗冰冷白果百合羹吧! Let's us enjoy a bowl of cold ginkgo lily dessert during hot humid weather! ^!* #Desserts

Berries upside-down cake
同一样的材料,但我把它改成蔓越莓,糖粉再减少, 感觉可以找借口再多吃一片。 平时懒惰的我但今天比较乖,读完与跟足食谱每一个步骤去做,所以感觉这次的味道更佳,蔓越莓甜甜甜酸酸和蛋糕甜度恰恰好。改天再放多一些蔓越莓,应该会更美味。我迫不及待! ^@^ With the same...

Wholemeal Oat Banana Cake
不想吃太多面粉质? 这全麦香蕉蛋糕是最好的健康和真正的美味下午茶点。如果你想有一个适当的一块蛋糕,完全没有那内疚,这个是为你特地而定的。 Dont wish to eat too much carbon? This Wholemeal Oat Banana Cake is...

Grain Bread
五谷美味的馒头,高纤维,营养丰富,可作为美味的早餐, 午后点心和零食,甚至是主食,是老少都适合的健康又美味的爱心馒头。可蒸也可烘 配上果酱味道更佳. Tasty grain bread, high-fiber, nutrient-rich, and can be used...

#Snacks #Desserts

Caramel Apple Raspberry Cake
焦糖苹果覆盆子蛋糕 材料: 2粒 苹果(去皮去籽切片状) 10 粒 覆盆子 80g 细砂糖 (我只放70克) 15g 水 10g 无盐奶油 1tsp Rum酒 蛋糕材料: 45g 无盐奶油 50g 低粉 50g 牛奶 1tsp 香草精 50g 蛋黄 100g 蛋清 30g...

Coconut & Chocolate Mufifns
My new creation - Coconut Chocolate muffins - Left over some coconut crumbs, try to be smart self-incorporated, the unexpected taste more...