DURIAN CAKE (Please click here to see more photos)
看近一些,香软诱人的奶油,会否让你偷吃一口? 拍张黑白来个留念 喜欢这张的感觉,绵绵的,如花如丝。。 #Cake

Blueberry Lemon Bundt Cake
Blueberry Lemon Bundt Cake ( 藍莓檸檬蛋糕 ) ( makes 10" bundt ) Recipe By: Kris Lim Ingredients : 225g self-raising flour 100g butter,...

Sausage Milk Wholewheat Bun (Please click here for more detail)
湯種香肠牛奶麦餐包 湯種材料: 25g 高筋麵粉 110g 冷水 製作湯種麵糊: 1.將冷水加入高筋麵粉中攪拌均勻。 2.將攪拌均勻的麵糊放入瓦斯爐上用中小火加熱,邊煮邊攪拌,煮到開始變濃稠就關火繼續攪拌,呈現出漩渦狀麵糊就好。 ...

Blueberry & Strawberry Shortcake
The beautiful photo shot by my dear friend, Henny, hope she likes this fruity cake. :) #Cake

Homemade Bread with Homemade Jam
Homemade rye flakes wheat germ bread loaf with walnut Homemade red kiwi jam Homemade blueberry jam Homemade strawberry jam ( orch! 🙊 No...

Stay Lean and Healthy for Life
Simple oat with fruits and nuts #Vegetarian

去年拜厨艺高超的“烹饪大师”的二姐为师,因为有她与三嫂,我们可轻轻松松的裹粽子了好几公斤。今年想亲自亲为来挑战自己, 有点战战兢兢,有点笨手笨脚的,两公斤的米却花了老半天,十谷米粽子还在按摩浴缸里(jacuzzi),嘻嘻,就先来个甜的献丑吧。...

又是端午节日 十谷米粽子香 香溢飘满厨房 腊味香气漾开 香肉腌汁到味 香甜气味栗子 爆香辣椒虾米 晨露点缀香菇 少不了蚝干香 艾叶香全满堂 别想那卡路里 痛快淋漓吃吧 请享用喝杯茶 愿你乐又安康 #Rice

Stay Lean and Healthy for Life
Baked Zucchini, mushroom, purple sweet potato, eggplant, steam black fungus, lettuce, lotus & red chili Greek vinaigrette salad dressing,...

Stay Lean and Healthy for Life
Homemade wholemeal bread Tuna Overnight oat #Bread #Vegetarian