Blueberry & Strawberry Shortcake
The beautiful photo shot by my dear friend, Henny, hope she likes this fruity cake. :) #Cake

Mango Jelly Cheese Cake
Regardless of the taste, making a cake is not a difficult task to me, but I find myself getting stuck in the decoration of the cake....

Chocolate Belgium Gateaux
Specially made Chocolate Belgium Gateaux for you Joe. Even though it's not perfect, it's the thought that counts. The lunch gathering...

Apple Raspberry Cake
Apple Raspberry Cake - Can't deny the fact that I'm interested in any food that has fruits in them. Love this cake as it has a crisp of...

Apple Berries Loaf
I am a fruits lover, never say NO to them. Bake this AppleBerries loaf for my closed friends. The natural sweetness of the fruit adds to...

Berries upside-down cake
同一样的材料,但我把它改成蔓越莓,糖粉再减少, 感觉可以找借口再多吃一片。 平时懒惰的我但今天比较乖,读完与跟足食谱每一个步骤去做,所以感觉这次的味道更佳,蔓越莓甜甜甜酸酸和蛋糕甜度恰恰好。改天再放多一些蔓越莓,应该会更美味。我迫不及待! ^@^ With the same...

Wholemeal Oat Banana Cake
不想吃太多面粉质? 这全麦香蕉蛋糕是最好的健康和真正的美味下午茶点。如果你想有一个适当的一块蛋糕,完全没有那内疚,这个是为你特地而定的。 Dont wish to eat too much carbon? This Wholemeal Oat Banana Cake is...

Caramel Apple Raspberry Cake
焦糖苹果覆盆子蛋糕 材料: 2粒 苹果(去皮去籽切片状) 10 粒 覆盆子 80g 细砂糖 (我只放70克) 15g 水 10g 无盐奶油 1tsp Rum酒 蛋糕材料: 45g 无盐奶油 50g 低粉 50g 牛奶 1tsp 香草精 50g 蛋黄 100g 蛋清 30g...

Coconut & Chocolate Mufifns
My new creation - Coconut Chocolate muffins - Left over some coconut crumbs, try to be smart self-incorporated, the unexpected taste more...

Walnut Apple Mini Cake
这是个很完美的组合。。再加上桂皮粉 和豆蔻粉配搭,味道更佳。你们不妨试做一下。:) A 组(过筛一起) 全面面粉 120克 发粉 11/2茶匙 苏塔粉 1/4 茶匙 桂皮粉 1/4茶匙 豆蔻粉。 1/4茶匙 B 组 食油 120 克 (我只用110克) 细糖...